
Easily move your Mainframe to a Software-Defined Mainframe® (SDM by Lzlabs) on your premises or on Cloud supported by MassiveGRID’s High-Availability Clusters and 24×7 Support.

Our SDM solution enables mainframe legacy applications to be executed with no requirements for source-code changes, recompilation, or conversion of data types.

In addition, SDM has unique features that allow legacy applications to be gracefully modernized to contemporary languages and implementations, without compromising the integrity or operation of the system as a whole.

Mainframe Modernization in 6 steps

Step 1 Application Archeology

Using a combination of tooling and manual analysis, our consultants build a detailed picture of all the artifacts (programs, files, JCL, configuration, etc) that comprise the legacy applications in scope for migration. These items will include not just the mainframe resident elements of the applications in scope, but also those components that run in the distributed environment.

Step 2 Dependency Map

With an application understood, we are building a detailed map of any dependencies that may exist between the in-scope applications and other elements of the legacy system. These dependencies may include other applications and files, or simple procedures that impact the running of legacy applications that are being migrated.

Step 3 Interconnections and Infrastructure

With the application and its dependencies understood, the next step is crucial to determine what third-party products or utilities are implemented to support the smooth running of the application. This exercise builds on the application dependency map and also adds any interconnections with systems that are not considered part of the initial scope.

Step 4 Implementation Blueprint

A detailed blueprint for rehosting legacy applications onto Linux is created. This blueprint, in the form of a project plan, lays out in detail the steps required to successfully rehost and test the legacy applications in scope. It also details the implementation of attendant technology and procedures upon which the applications depend.

Step 5 Implementation and Testing

Implementation is conducted, and all the applications are moved and tested on the new platform. Additionally, the new system is stress tested and all the failover mechanisms and redundancies of the high-availability cluster are tested. A report is being created for acceptance.

Step 6 24x7 Monitoring & Support

The new system is monitored 24×7 and backed by our business-critical support team. Weekly reviews of the performance and regular maintenance without downtime due to high-availability architecture is conducte

SDM Benefits

Program Interoperability

SDM ensures seamless interoperability between associated programs and data re-hosted in legacy language and those that are subsequently transcoded to new languages such as Java using LzWorkbench™, enabling a graceful approach to mainframe modernization.

Native Datatypes

The use of native mainframe data types and encoding reduces the risk of migration by ensuring consistent application behavior. Same sort orders and collation, same arithmetic outcomes.

Floating Point

Floating-point operations are implemented using mainframe algorithms to ensure exactly the same outcomes when high-precision arithmetic operations are required.

Legacy Datasets

SDM supports the most commonly encountered mainframe dataset formats including VSAM, QSAM, GDG, PDS, etc.


SDM comes equipped with a range of utilities functionally and syntactically compatible with IDCAMS, IEBGENER, IEBUPDTE, and IEBCOPY amongst others.


SDM has a capability that is functionally and syntactically compatible with DFSORT. SDM SORT supports common control statements including ALTSEQ, INREC, MERGE, OUREC, and many others.

Dataset Editor

An intuitive and modern interface for editing files is provided as part of the SDM Management Console. This interface will be familiar to users of desktop software. Consequently, the management of legacy files can now be performed by a much larger talent pool.

Full Text Search

Modern and intuitive text indexing and search facilities that can be applied to mainframe datasets ensure a modern workforce can navigate files in a familiar way.


LzLabs Management Console provides detailed application and environment diagnostics for SDM. Staff familiar with modern application server management tools will immediately understand the information model with the LzLabs Management Console.


Reliability backed by 100% Uptime SLA

LzLabs SDM hosted in MassiveGRID’s High-Availability Clusters offers superior reliability for your Operations.


Located in the highest security Datacenters, physically isolated from other clients and other clouds, offering superior security for your data.

Experience in Mission Critical Systems

MassiveGRID’s High-Availability Hosting is created having mission-critical systems in mind. More than 19 years of experience in mission-critical systems.

24x7 Monitoring & Support

Highly skilled support team operating 24×7.

Are you ready to move your
Mainframe to the Cloud?