Best VMware Alternative

When it comes to virtualization technologies, VMware has long been the gold standard, offering robust features and capabilities that cater to enterprises of various sizes. However, the costs associated with VMware can be prohibitive for many businesses, especially...

Proxmox Virtual Environment

Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform. With the...
Jelastic PaaS – Update 5.8.5 [New Features]

Jelastic PaaS – Update 5.8.5 [New Features]

Here you will find all new features, enhancements and changes included to the Jelastic PaaS 5.8.5 release. The update will be deployed on MassiveGRID’s High-Availability infrastructures on July 1st 2020. Updates Quickview New Featrues: Added support for custom Docker...
Dedicated Server Reseller: [Partner Checklist 2020]

Dedicated Server Reseller: [Partner Checklist 2020]

As a dedicated server reseller, it is crucial to find a reliable cloud provider to partner with. With 85% of software being built for the Cloud, it is important to stand out as a reliable, high-quality cloud reseller. This is why you should look out for specific...
Log4j Vulnerability Guide

Log4j Vulnerability Guide

It has been two weeks since the new global incident of Log4j/Log4Shell vulnerability has been identified in the open-source Apache logging library. Multiple security vendors raised the alert that this vulnerability can affect multiple IT devices running Java Framework...
COVID-19: The Pandemic of Ransomware

COVID-19: The Pandemic of Ransomware

In the last 2 years, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, most businesses and organizations had to comply with government rules and regulations and most of their employees had to turn on remote working (Work From Home) to protect themselves and their health. Due to...
Tutorial: Installing WHM/cPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Tutorial: Installing WHM/cPanel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Last year, Ubuntu announced that a forthcoming collaboration with cPanel will be achieved to provide full support for Ubuntu LTS 20.04 with cPanel version 98. This will allow users that are much familiar with the Ubuntu Operating Systems, to install and configure a...